
Friday, October 29, 2010

Tribal Fusion Bellydance Fall Class 4

We reviewed the choreography to Dilges and clarified a few sections. Here are a few:
1. In the Paddle Turn, step the right foot out to about 1 o'clock, but keep your weight centered. So, not leaning onto your right foot. Your body/hips should be facing stage left. The right foot acts like an oar that you're using to paddle yourself around to the back. That's count 1. As you use your right foot to rotate your body around, pivot on the ball of the left foot. Leave that left foot on the ground the entire time.

Step the right foot, toes facing upstage (back), in close to the left foot on count 2. At this point, your body should be somewhat facing stage right.

You start over again with the right foot stepping out to the 1 o'clock, body turns to stage left... etc.

You also use your right arm in the turn. Start with both arms bent, elbows up. Extend the right arm out as you step right foot out to 1 o'clock. Pull the hand in (back to arm bent), keep the elbow up. So the action of the right arm is extending out and pulling in of the forearm. Your upper body may lean forward as you step out, but come back to upright when you pull in.

2. For the Tunisian Box, remember that you are on the balls of the feet the entire time.

Hope that helps!

Alright, on to the new stuff:
1. Hip Singles with chest squares. This is the fun one!
The hip singles are eighth notes. Right hip on count 1, left hip on count 2.
The broken interior chest circles (or chest squares for short) are quarter notes. Chest lift on count 1, right on count 2, down/neutral on count 3, left on count 4. You can think of it even simpler like this: For every side of the chest, you're doing a hip right and left. Easy! Remember, practice makes permanent.

2. Walking Combo:
Think of a short and wide letter M or think of an infinity sign where the bottom half has been chopped off. So the movement is basically an up to down figure 8 (up and over-out), but you stop the down half way. Another way to think about it is if you have hammers attached to the sides of your hips and you have to hammer a little nail down: you'd bring your hip up, then tap it down gently. Yeah, like that!
Feet and hips are quarter notes for 8 counts. Arms up at 5th position.

Then right foot steps back, cross behind left. Right arm up, torso facing stage right, left arm parallel to floor extends towards stage right for counts 1 and 2.
Following that the right foot steps back to center, left foot in place, then right foot in place for counts 3 and 4.
Then repeat with the left foot steps back, cross behind right. Left arm up, torso facing stage left, right arm parallel to floor extends towards stage left for counts 5 and 6.
Half turn over the right shoulder for counts 7 and 8. Use your right arm to swing you around.

With the music, it is:
2:10 - Hip Singles with chest squares
2 times clockwise
2 times counter clockwise

2:19 - Hip slides with arms
Hip slide right - 4 counts
Hip slide left - 4 counts
Hands/arms push with the hip slides

2:25 - shoulder shimmies
Yes, we get a break here! A little fun attitude here please!

- SAME as previous section: Interior hip circles, hip drop, and cross turn Combo

2:51 - Walking Combo
Two times. First time will bring you to face back. Second time will be moving up stage (to the back) and will bring you to face front.

Hope to get a little video out to you soon!

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