
Friday, February 20, 2009

Tribal Fusion Class 6 Notes

Hi Ladies!
Great class last night. I hope you enjoyed dancing with each other!

Here is a recap of class:
1. Lale (a.k.a. "swimmer". Pronounced "lah-lay") - This is a unique movement to me. My dance partner in London and I had developed it back in 2006.
  • Starting with a stance slightly wider than hip width apart, left toes point forward, right toes point right, reach with the right arm slowly and gracefully towards the right, keeping your hips in the same place, chest faces forward, top of head reaches to the right. 4 counts.
  • Pivot the hips and torso so that the chest faces the floor as the left arm sweeps in a straight line along side the body towards the right wall. 2 counts.
  • Dragging the left foot towards the right foot (weight on right), lift the torso to vertical, pushing the arms down so that hands are next to hips. 2 counts.
  • Repeat the left side.

2. Add travel to Arabics.

Here is the updated choreography to Heretic:

1. Enter with snake arms. Add 8 counts of shimmy before starting the Basic Egyptian.

2. Basic Egyptian - 16 counts

3. Egyptian half turns (turning over left shoulder) - 16 counts

4. Torso rotations (4) - 32 counts

5. Arabic, traveling right - 8 counts

6. Reverse figure 8 (mayas) - 8 counts

7. Arabic, traveling left - 8 counts

8. Reverse figure 8 - 8 counts

9. Forward stance, arms extending forward for 4 counts, then draw back for 4 counts - 8 counts

10. Chest locks combo: chest down-up-down, right shoulder forward, then back. Repeat. - 8 counts

11. Torso turn to the right - 8 counts

12. Body wave (one foot in front of the other)- 12 counts

13. Torso turn to the left (to face front) - 4 counts

14. Snake arms with level change - 24 counts

15. Camel Walk - 24 counts

16. Arabic, traveling right - 8 counts

17. Arabic twist - 8 counts

18. Arabic, traveing left - 8 counts

19. Arabic twist - 8 counts

20. Lale, start right, (pivot to face back wall) left, right, (pivot to face front) left - 32 counts

Then partner work, performing the choreography with a partner , facing different directions, mirroring the movement, etc.

:: Announcements ::

1.) For those interested in the March/April (5 week session) $60, the registration form is up:

For this 5 weeks, we will focus on fast movements and pair the movements to a rythmic drum piece of music ("drum solo").

2.) At the end of summer or fall, there will be some dance opportunities for those in my classes interested in performing either as a small group or with me. I am working on a project with a few other dance teachers who are planning to organize a stage show. Let me know if you have the desire to perform!

Lastly, Caitlin asked about this jacket I had worn a few weeks ago. It is from They have a store here in Austin at 6th and Lamar, next to Amy's Ice Cream. The store sells yoga inspired athletic clothing.

Have a great weekend!


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