
Saturday, February 4, 2012

ChoreoCreation 2012: Class 3 Notes and Homework

Class 3 - Variation and Manipulation of combo
Footwork/Foot patterns
- walk
- step touch
Hips warm up
- hip singles
- hip twists
- pelvic locks
- hip slides
- alternating hip slides and hip singles Chest
- chest slides
- alternating chest slides and chest pivots (same as hips above but at the hip)
- hip singles full time, walking half time (warm up)

16-count Combo:
R shoulder roll forward (12), L shoulder roll back (34), undulation up to down (56),  pelvic lock front (7), chest lock down (+), chest lock up (8).
Head slide R (1), chest slide R (2), hip slide R (3), L arm up / R arm down (56), Cross turn L over R (78)

Creative :: Dance the 16-count combo using some of the motif manipulation techniques:
- Retrograde
- Inversion
- Size
- Embellishment
- Change Plane and Levels
(Google: “16-ways to manipulate a motif” and you’ll get the rest of them!)

Class 3 Homework
In your dance journal, write (pen to paper):
Morning Pages Topic 5 - When I think of bellydance, I see, I hear, I taste, I smell, I feel (touch)...

Morning Pages Topic 6 - What is the "story" I'm telling in this dance? Who is the character in this piece?

1. Listen to your music with your notebook and pen. Doodle your song.
2. Listen to your music and note sections of the song that are your "rest" periods.

1. Create a 16-count combo that you can use for your piece. Practice it for the next class.
2. Practice dancing your piece with just feet (no arms, chest, nor hips). Determine if you are stationary too much and if you need to add traveling movements. General rule of thumb: If the music sounds like the whole band is playing or several instruments are playing together, travel. If it’s just one instrument or a singer, then stay in place.
3. Practice dancing your piece with just the arms. Notice if they stay in the same place and if they reflect the music appropriately.
4. Continue working on your piece.

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