
Wednesday, September 1, 2010

TFBD: September series: Class 1 notes

Hi Ladies,

Thanks for a great first class. I hope you had as much fun drilling and dancing as I did!

Some basic concepts to keep in mind when we drill with layers:
1. Speed - If you are having a difficult time keeping up with the tempo we're going, you always have the option of slowing it down. Cut the speed in half and go slow. Once you get comfortable at that speed, try going full speed once, go back to the slow speed. Then try going full speed twice, go back to slow speed. Three times at full speed, etc. etc. When you get to a stopping point, say, four continuous times at full speed, then you lose it. Alternate four times full speed, four times slow speed. Gradually build up.
2. Foundation - When layering two movements together, often we have difficulties with one of the two. Perhaps you feel you can't do the movements together. Determine which one of the two movements you are having difficulties with. Let's say you are attempting to do a hip circle with shimmy. Do you lose the shimmy at some point during the hip circle? If so, go back to the shimmy. Start with the shimmy, work on free movement of the hips while shimmying. Then put your shimmy on auto-pilot. Focus then, on your hip circle. Maybe start with a smaller hip circle, then gradually increase the size of your hip circle. Determine where in the circle you're having a difficult time with your shimmy. Focus on that part of the circle with the shimmy.

We can all just "do the move" or attempt to do the move... and hope one day it'll click. But if we actively diagnose our own problems, then we can better are own dancing and technique. Sometimes, however, it helps to have the assistance or coaching of a teacher!

Prior to drilling, take each layer and reviewed them, then begin to add another movement.

Here are the combinations we ended up with at the end of the class:
1. Chest circle with shoulder shimmy. Starting down, alternating directions.
2. Shoulder roll down combo:
- Right shoulder roll (back, up, forward, down), chest lock up [Count 1]
- Chest lock down [Count 2]
- Undulation from upper back down, finish at release [Counts 3-8]
... then left side
3. Shoulder roll down combo with shimmy:
- Right shoulder roll (back, up, forward, down), chest lock up [Count 1]
- Chest lock down [Count 2]
- Undulation with shimmy from upper back down, finish at release [Counts 3-8]
... then left side

All that with the music "Special Kae". Time: 0:00-0:26

Thanks for a great start of the series!

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