
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

TFBD Mar-Apr 2010 Series: Class 5 Notes

A couple of new movements were introduced in Class 5:
ATS Propeller Turn:
Start with both arms overhead. Drop the right arm to shoulder height, with hand floreos, and raise it again. Then do the same with the left arm. Drop the right arm again to shoulder height, and cue the turn with a slight raise of the wrist. Cross your right foot over your left and pivot in place, dropping the right arm and crossing your arms at chest level as you turn to the back. As you come around to the front again, end with the right foot in front of the left and pull the arms apart to create a dramatic pose (right arm behind your ear, left arm in front). Body faces left diagonal.

Lateral Body Wave:
Not an ATS movement, but a fusion movement. Starting in dance posture, step the right foot out just past hip distance, while sliding and tilting the right shoulder down and to the right. Then, lift just the heel of the left foot. Press the ball of the left foot into the ground as you pull the left hip in towards you. Slowly control the lift of the heel until the toe of the left foot lifts off the ground. Bring the left foot into center and realign just for a split second before the left foot steps out to the left to start the wave towards the left. You can think of this movement as if you were kelp in the calm sea. Deeply rooted in the ground, yet you can still move with the slow and smooth oceanic current. I hope that is a good visual for you!

Choo Choo Shimmy:
These are essentially double-time hip singles done on demipointe (super fast hip shimmies done on the ball of the feet). Start in dance posture and come onto releve. As you step on the right ball of the foot, the right hip lifts; as you step on the left ball of the foot, the left hip lefts. Continuing alternating and walking... Once comfortable, then speed up. Remember to keep the knees bent and pelvic neutral. There should not be any bounce or height change. Keep the feet movement small and not noticeable (or audible!).

Practice these at home... Remember that our next class (and last one of the series) is April 29!

No class on April 22!
It's Earth Day, and I will be in Toronto for the International Belly Dance Conference of Canada.

Don't forget to sign up for the next series:
May 20 - June 24 (6-weeks)

Happy Dancing!

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