
Sunday, April 11, 2010

TFBD Mar-Apr 2010 Series: Class 4 Notes

In this fourth class of the series, we covered 3 movements:
1. (ATS) Camel Walk - Step with the right foot onto the balls of the feet as you press down with the right hand and raise the left hand overhead. Keeping all your weight on the right foot, bend your right knee and extend the left foot to the side. Right arm goes up and left hand reaches toward extended left foot. Straighten your right leg as you draw the left foot in, and layer an arm undulation over a small torso rotation to bring you back to center. For long lengths of time, manage your arm movement so that the hands flow gradually to their full extension.

2. (ATS) Turkish Shimmy - also known as "Arabic 4" - Facing forward, step the right foot in front of the left; at the same time arms swing over to the right side (This is count 1). Left foot steps in place on count 2. Right foot steps back to starting position as arms swing over to the left side (This is count 3). Left foot steps in place on count 4. Note that although arms are moving horizontally, keep the torso open.

3. "Cross touch circles" - Alternating interior chest circles, starting down & clockwise; with (feet) cross touch, starting right foot.

We also reviewed the choreography...
Looking forward to Class 5!

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