
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Bellydance Basics Mar/Apr Class 4 Notes

We did A L O T today! Typically, I break up chest locks, pelvic locks, and undulations into 3 separate classes, but you ladies were stellar and did a fantastic job picking up the material... We just were able to cover this much.

Key things to remember is that chest and pelvic LOCKS are isolated and sharp/precise movements. It's a rotation in the chest or pelvic part of the body. We're not moving this body part in a front or back direction. Also, your undulations are made of of these chest and pelvic rotations. Making these movements smooth and connected are what creates an undulation from up to down. It's a good idea to practice them connected in an "Undulation" and also separated, sharp locks into a "Broken Undulation".

Class 4. Chest Locks, Pelvic Locks, Undulations

1. Warm up
2. Drills:
while seated: chest locks, arm waves, chest circles
standing in place: pelvic lock, chest lock - pelvic lock, undulation
pelvic lock HT dbF, walking QT dbR
pelvic lock HT dbB, walking QT dbR
alternating chest lock - pelvic lock HT dbF, walking QT dbR (Step right foot for chest lock up down. Step left foot for pelvic lock front back)
undulation QT dbF, walking QT dbR
undulation HT dbF, walking HT dbR

3. New Combo:

* Undulations up to down QT, walking right QT- 4 counts

* Broken Undulation: Chest lock up down, Pelvic lock front back. Walking right QT - 4 counts

4. Review Choreography

0:10 Intro

4 x 8 counts: Arm waves & Cross Touch

* Right arm wave and right foot cross - 4 counts

* Left arm wave and left foot extends - 4 counts

* Right arm wave and left foot cross - 4 counts

* Left arm wave and right foot extends - 4 counts

* repeat

0:30 Vocal

4 x 8 counts: Hip Slides & Hip Circle

* Hip slide right - 4 counts

* Hip slide left - 4 counts

* Hip circle downbeat left clockwise - 8 counts

* repeat

4 x 8 counts: Chest Circle & Arm Waves

* Exterior chest circle downbeat front clockwise, while turning to stage right - 8 counts

* Arm waves downbeat Right - 8 counts

* Exterior chest circle downbeat front clockwise, while turning to upstage - 8 counts

* Arm waves downbeat Right - 8 counts

1:09 Theme

4 x 8 counts: Figure 8 Down to Up variations

[Facing upstage]

* Figure 8 down to up, downbeat right - 8 counts

* Figure 8 down to up, downbeat right - 8 counts

[walking ¾ T to face front]

* Figure 8 down to up, ¾ T (RLR, LRL) - 8 counts

* Figure 8 down to up, ¾ T (RLR, LRL) - 8 counts

NEW 1:29 Vocal

4 x 8 counts: Undulation & Broken Undulation in circle formation

* Undulations up to down QT, walking right QT- 4 counts

* Broken Undulation: Chest lock up down, Pelvic lock front back. Walking right QT - 4 counts

* Repeat 4 times, traveling in a group circle (facing outward from circle)

Hope you enjoyed it!

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