
Friday, March 27, 2009

Tribal Fusion 5-week series :: class 4 notes

Here is a recap of yesterday's class:
1. Warm up
2. Review of each movement
3. Introduce new movements:
- 3/4 shimmy = walking, right foot steps as right hip lifts up 2x, then left foot steps as left hip lefts up 2x; continue "walking".
- hip drops = begin with a twist with the downbeat on the back of the right hip; set the hips on auto-pilot, step the right foot forward about 3 inches and lift the heel, pivot your entire body to the left diagonal; continue.
- undulations up to down = contracting the upper back to lift the chest, the contract the upper abs to drop the chest, then contract the lower abs, and release; continue.

Choreography to "Cybele"...
- Horizontal Figure 8, front to back. 8 of them (right and left side counts as 1). On the 2nd, 4th, and 6th ones, add a sharp right hip accent up-down-up.
- Turkish shimmy. 4 of them (front and back counts as 1). (start time = 00:48)
- Turkish shimmy with quarter turns. 4 of them.
- Pivot Bump Doubles. (2xfront, 2xback, 2xfront, 2xback). (start time = 1:01)
- Turkish shimmy half turns. 4 of them, leaving you facing the back. (start time = 1:08)
- Hip singles, down beat left. 4x right hip down to face front. (start time = 1:15)
- Hip singles, down beat left. 2x right hip down, level change down. 2x right hip down, level change up.
- Hip singles, down beat left. grapevine feet pattern, traveling right. 8x right hip down.
- Choo Choo traveling left with left hip leading for 8 counts.
- continue with Choo Choo, traveling in small circle in your dance space for 8 counts.
- Single-hipped Figure 8 in place right hip. 4 counts. (start time = 1:35)
- Choo Choo leading with right hip, circle around over right shoulder. 8 hip bumps total.
- Single-hipped Figure 8 in place left hip. 4 counts.
- Choo Choo leading with left hip, circle around over left shoulder. 8 hip bumps total.
[PAUSE both arms up] Time = 1:50
- Propeller Turn. Turn on count 4, decorate drum accent with chest lift up-down-up. (start time = 1:54)
- Propeller Turn. repeat.
- Egyptian Basic 4x. (start time = 2:14)
- Egyptian half turns 4x.
- Hip drops, pivot on left leg to face front. 4 counts to face front, then 4 counts facing front. (start time = 2:27)
- 3/4 shimmy walking forward for 8 counts. (start time = 2:35)
- Undulations up to down, circle to the right for 8 counts. (start time = 2:37)
- Single-hipped Figure 8 in place right hip. 8 counts.
- Undulations up to down, circle to the left for 8 counts.
- Single-hipped Figure 8 in place left hip. 8 counts.
- Undulations up to down, circle to the right for 8 counts.
- Continue with Undulations up to down, walking forward for 8 counts. Raising arms up into flamenco position (left arm back) on counts 7,8.
- Finale: (hip and chest accents) double hip down, chest lift down and up.

The music for "Cybele" can be found in iTunes, under the artist "Solace", in the "Sha Waza" album:
[Note: You need to have iTunes installed and have an iTunes account to purchase the music.]

Next Thursday is our last class for the series. We will cover some new material... yes, adding on to this choreography!

Have a great weekend and see you next week!

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